Logo for NERI Films
Creating the Logo for NERI Films: Passion, Faith, and Art in One
Have you ever wondered what lies behind the name NERI Films? It’s not just about film production but a true mission that combines passion, faith, and art. When creating the logo for NERI Films, we wanted to honor both the spiritual roots and the future vision of this unique studio.

NERI Films: More Than a Name
NERI Films strives to spread values close to its patron saint, Saint Philip Neri, through its Catholic films. Saint Philip Neri was known for his joy, humor, and deep spirituality—values that are also dear to this studio. However, the acronym NERI has a deeper meaning: “Non Ego Requiescat Ignis.” In English, it means: “I will not let the fire rest.”
Designing the Logo: Expressing the Soul and Mission
Creating the logo for NERI Films was a process in which we aimed to capture the essence of this mission. The logo had to reflect not only the artistic quality of the films but also the deep spiritual commitment. That’s why we focused on the symbolism of fire—a never-extinguishing flame that represents continuous passion and zeal for creating and spreading Catholic values.

Symbolism of Fire and Heart: Unceasing Inspiration
The fire in the NERI Films logo is no coincidence. Fire has long symbolized not only divine presence but also enlightenment, inspiration, and transformation. In the context of this studio, the flame is a metaphor for the relentless drive to create films that touch the hearts and minds of viewers, conveying a message of faith and hope. The central element of the logo is a heart surrounded by fire. The heart symbolizes love, dedication, and spiritual commitment, while the flames highlight the unwavering zeal and passion in fulfilling the studio’s mission.
Aesthetics and Message
The NERI Films logo also needed to be aesthetically pleasing and modern to attract a wide audience. We decided to combine classic and modern graphic elements, creating a design that is both elegant and dynamic. Simple yet striking colors and clear typography aim to emphasize the professionalism and creativity of this studio.

The NERI Films logo is more than just a graphic symbol. It is an expression of the mission, passion, and dedication to both film art and spiritual values. I am proud to have supported this emerging channel, which spreads the message that “we will not let the fire rest” through its films. I invite you to follow their productions and support their mission—together, we can kindle a flame that never goes out. design that is both elegant and dynamic. Simple yet striking colors and clear typography aim to emphasize the professionalism and creativity of this studio.